
"We recently started working with our sleep consultant Erica Farnan-The Sleep Mama Sleep Coach and she has helped changed our lives!

Beckham has been going down for naps and for the night with no bottle and no crying. The first night was a little rough, but our sleep coach helped us know so many tips and tricks to help our little boy be confident enough to sleep without his bottle and without many tears. He has slept through the night now 3 nights in a row.

That’s not something we’ve EVER experienced since having Beckham. We are so proud of our boy and also feel a sense of relief knowing he is getting the sleep he needs to grow and develop ♥️"

  • Mama of a 16 month old boy

"After over two years of miserable nights, I’m finally getting uninterrupted sleep! My oldest didn’t sleep through the night until she was over a year old, and my second was on that same track, so when I saw Erica’s post about sleep coaching, I knew I needed professional help. I had always been leery of sleep coaching, because I associated it with the “cry it out” method, and just leaving them in their own room without comforting them. I didn’t have to sacrifice any of my attachment parenting methods in order to implement any of Erica’s strategies. It only took a couple of weeks, and my daughter went from waking up 3+ times a night to eat, to sleeping a full eight hours.

I am so grateful for Erica’s help - I couldn’t have done it without her!"

  • Mama of a 9 month old girl

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